Wednesday, May 19, 2010


There are a lot of things that make me think of Hilary now that she's gone.

Most of the time it's stuff like when I have a thought that I want to share with her, when I catch myself making her side of the bed with the pillows just how she liked them, when I see a funny YouTube video with cute animals, when I'm about to pick up something in the store that she always needed.

She'd have laughed that our poodle, Bingo, snuck over and tried to eat the cat's food today and even though I caught him and scared the daylights out of him, he was still wagging his tail. She loved that Bingo was always happy.

She'd be impressed that I managed to calm an irate customer from our home business and figured out how to issue them a refund. It was something that she always handled.

She'd be annoyed that they showed that car dealership commercial yet again where the owner has his little kid end every commercial with "...where EVERYBODY rides!" We liked to grumble to each other about how irritating that commercial is.

She'd be happy to hear that Charlie Sheen is going to do two more years of Two and a Half Men. We liked to watch that show together.

She'd be happy that I got 75 bags of Green Tea for only $3 at the Dollar Store today. We would have joked that it's probably the tea that Lipton swept off the floor and sold to the Dollar Store.

She'd be happy to know that her former co-workers are chipping in to make a contribution to the Make-A-Wish foundation in her memory. She thought the world of her boss Stephanie, who is organizing the effort.

She'd be happy that Frisky, our neurotic cat, has gotten over her most recent issues -- she's coming out to eat again and sat purring loudly on my lap for half an hour. Frisky was her favorite cat.

Hilary would be happy to know that I'm thinking of her. I miss her.